lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Sonia Galinha´s reflextion... Part I

The main topic of this Life Long Learning Program ERASMUS Intensive Program, IP Memories of the Past, Hope for the Future, made possible plenty of presentations areas of seniors promotion including communicative aspects, psycosocial health and social intervention, to stablish communication channels between generations.

This interesting IP contributes to the general aims and priorities described in the ERASMUS Policy Statement considering that institutional aim is the internationalization and for that partners established as priority to develop a pro-active cooperation based on promote exchange programs for students and professors. Most of the institutional aim is the international oriention of our curricula and in that perspective this IP contributes to share some expertises with partners and to improve curricula with new knowledge and examples of good practices in the teacher training courses and non-formal education courses and promotes a positive perception and assessment of youngers compared to older people by bringing them together, their communication and knowledge.

The scientific part of the IP includes lectures, group-works, workshops, study visits and cultural evenings. So it is not difficult to imagine the success of such an IP. It wasn´t hard at all to find presentations that adjusted to the topic which the partners were interested in. Posters had an added value for the IP. During the academic year 2011/2012, the IP in Valencia definitely included a follow up. Organizers and partners took good care of preparing different thematic. Partners had opportunity to exchange opinions and points of view. We believe that kind of inforgetable project can grow in the future. Resources produced are systematized and there are established guidelines for socio-educational contexts.

On an International dialogue and enhancing the quality in higher education, this meritorious IP Coordinated by Joan Maria Senent Sanchez and Irene Verde Peleato and hosted by Universitat de Valencia, included partners as Instituto Politecnico de Santarém, Fundació “Amics de la Gent Major” de la C. Valenciana, H. E. Helmo Liège, H.E. Leonard Da Vinci, Lovaine, University of Timissoara, Università del Salento, Universitat Ramon Llull. Barcelona and University College Syddanmark.  Specifically, on Tuesday 6th, in the morning, 9:30 h Departure from the Casal, 10:30 h (Sala multimedia Facultad) Valencia’s team: Meeting with “the elder” (small groups home visits, 5 students+1 professor), 14:00 h Lunch at University.

 To be continue.....

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